My antennas are situated on my 62 ft. (18 meter) aluminum Heights Fold over tower
built by Heights Tower Systems, Inc., Pensacola, FL.
Situated on top of tower is a Comet GP-3 Dual Band Vertical and
a M2 6M5X 6 meter antenna. Plus a new as of January 1, 2024 Mosley PRO-67-C3 antenna.
Other antennas include a 160m short sloper and 80 inverted vee antenna.This Mosley antenna replaced a JK Navassa 5
that was placed in service in October 2020. Orignally I had Fluidmotion SteppIR 4E
(40/30m) antenna that March 10, 2010 and giving me poor motor performance. The very first antenna setup was a Opti-Beam OB12-4
yagi, Cushcraft A3WS/A103 and M2 6M5X 6 meter antenna installed in 2004.
All antennas are connected to a
Array Solutions Rat Pack antenna relay box at the top of tower. I am using two
1/2 inch Heliax from the VHF-UHF antenna and HF antenna switch to the shack
approximately 130 ft. from the tower. Each Heliax run is approximately 200-220 ft.
Pictures of the original installation is below, as you will
notice the tower was installed before the home was built and the antennas were
installed before home was completed. I takes patience to see all that stuff up
there and not able to use it!: